
<override_macro name="start_registration_page" requires="servlet">

            <n.title.><t>Register to <></t></n.title.>
            <div class="center-content">
                <h1 class="weak-color"><t>DCA Members can Register to use the DCA Forum</t></h1>
                <t><b>Please create your username in this format: Firstname Lastname MembershipNumber, for example "Joan Doe 7123" </b></t>
                <p><t>Once you have registered, Forum administrators will check your name and membership number against the membership records; if everything is ok they will approve you as a forum member. This process is manual and may take up to 24 hours. Please be patient. </t></p>
                <p><t>Find out more about dinghy cruising and becoming a member on our <a href=""><b>DCA Website</b></a></t></p>
                <p><t>Non-members can freely access the <a href=""><b>DCA Facebook page</b></a></t></p>


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                            <input type="submit" class="toolbar action-button" value="[t]Register Now[/t]"/>